Edoardo Barba

Hey there, I am Edoardo, a full-time researcher (RTDA) in the Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering (DIAG) at the Sapienza University of Rome.

I work with the Sapienza NLP group led by professor Roberto Navigli, and I am interested in Lexical Semantics tasks such as Entity Linking and Word Sense Disambiguation, but I am also recently working on applications of descrptive modeling to Language Modeling, Semantic Role Labeling, and Machine Translation.

I am the proud co-founder of Litus AI, a startup on Natural Language Processing and Speech Processing based in Rome!

I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Sapienza University of Rome in 2023, with a thesis on “Descriptive Modeling: Capturing Semantics in Neural Models via Natural Language Descriptions”.

I love to play padel and videogames, and I am huge fan of World of Warcraft.


Mar 16, 2022 New year, new long paper accepted! At ACL 2022 “Extractive Entity Disambiguation” sets a new state of the art in Entity Disambiguation.
Dec 1, 2021 Long paper accepted at AAAI 2022 “STEPS: Semantic Typing of Event Processes with a Sequence-to-Sequence Approach” :rocket:
Aug 25, 2021 New SotA in Word Sense Disambiguation at EMNLP 2021: “ConSeC: Word Sense Disambiguation as Continuous Sense Comprehension”!
Apr 29, 2021 Two Long papers accepted at IJCAI 2021: “Exemplification Modeling: Can You Give Me an Example, Please?” and “MultiMirror: Neural Cross-lingual Word Alignment for Multilingual Word Sense Disambiguation”.
Mar 10, 2021 Long paper accepted at NAACL 2021: “ESC: Redesigning WSD with Extractive Sense Comprehension”.

Selected Publications

  1. ACL
    ReLiK: Retrieve and LinK, Fast and Accurate Entity Linking and Relation Extraction on an Academic Budget
    Orlando Riccardo, Huguet Cabot Pere-Lluı́s, Barba Edoardo, and Navigli Roberto
    In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024 2024
  2. ACL
    Guardians of the Machine Translation Meta-Evaluation: Sentinel Metrics Fall In!
    Perrella Stefano, Proietti Lorenzo, Scirè Alessandro, Barba Edoardo, and Navigli Roberto
    In Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) 2024
  3. ACL
    DMLM: Descriptive Masked Language Modeling
    Barba Edoardo, Campolungo Niccolò, and Navigli Roberto
    In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023 2023
  4. ACL
    ExtEnD: Extractive Entity Disambiguation
    Barba Edoardo, Procopio Luigi, and Navigli Roberto
    In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) 2022
  5. EMNLP
    ConSeC: Word Sense Disambiguation as Continuous Sense Comprehension
    Barba Edoardo, Procopio Luigi, and Navigli Roberto
    In Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 2021
  6. IJCAI
    Exemplification Modeling: Can You Give Me an Example, Please?
    Barba Edoardo, Procopio Luigi, Lacerra Caterina, Pasini Tommaso, and Navigli Roberto
    In Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-21 2021
See all publications